Wednesday 24 January 2007

Good feelings!

Questa la voglio condividere con voi!

Sapete che fa proprio bene sentirsi dire dal tuo capo che
fai un lavoro eccellente, che sei tra i migliori, che hai avuto il massimo
della valutazione attribuibile e che é lieto/a di lavorare con te?!

Eh si .. fa proprio bene! :-))


Sunday 21 January 2007

Du darfst die kette lecken!

I am moon phase neurotic!

The new moon left me a strange mood which I kept till yesterday and now i feel it slowly leaving ... the moon is coming back.

Friday I had a dream of green, orange and red walls with some nuances of blue.
The blinds can see again! Better than to get the conjunctivitis! Isn’t it?

Saturday afternoon at Rico’s and coffee with Knox, Martin and Carlo.
A lot of spanish words and a communication which is usually called “kauderwelch” or a “mischmasch” of languages.

Insomma una Babele!

The project of studying spanish it’s ready and Aldi is a bit poorer of some food .. I had to take just few things ... Isn’t it Carlo? Poor boy!

Lucky day .. men smiling at me and being friendly... are they blind?
I must bring them at summer’s and Johannes place and I’m sure they will see again! ;-)

Someone told me “Do you wanna that cake? You will get it!” and some other “you are allowed to lick the chain!”.

Naja ..

The rest of the day home doing nothing...
>G. and fears on head<

Waiting the Moon!


Thursday 11 January 2007


One of the most important moment of my life is when
someone is making me the honor to talk to me
about his life and his problems.

Not that am interested on other's business,
I'm not even such curious person who wants to
know all about his neighbors or friends.

The importance of talking with others,
occurs when you often realize that
what you say is just a mirror of yourself.

Indeed you are exploring the life and point of views
of the person you are talking with, but it’s also
a great moment of discover about yourself.

Sometimes when the feeling is also great, you really feel
that what do say to your friend, is what you are telling to yourself.

Thanks Amy

Tuesday 9 January 2007

Estratto di Messaggerie di Testo

G: Hey T. non ho tue notizie da parecchio. Tutto bene? :-)
T: Hey G. Aspetto i tuoi fiori. Sto bene.
G: Che fiori vorresti avere?
T: Rose Bianche grazie.
G: ehhehe Le rose te le devi guadagnare!
T: Allora mi impegneró!
G: Bene, ne sono contento! :-)
T: Anche io sono contento che ti faccia piacere!

La primavera é lontana ma i primi boccioli vengono allo scoperto.
Basta una gelata per mandare tutto a puttane!

Stiamo a vedere, male che vada ci facciamo un granita di rose e boccioli!
Non si spreca niente!! :-)

Monday 8 January 2007

The 2007 arrived!

Glamour steps, fun, laughs (Thanks Taylor), all started well, greatly and different than usual.

Every year I think that the new year will be different, every year is the same procedure.

Do you know the saying "same procedure as last year Mrs. Sophie?", if yes than you
know also the answer.

But this year the energy involved is really different. Like in overflow or simply this is made to enjoy and
feel that it's great to be there. Where? Every where!

The Sylvester day started sleeping almost till 15 p.m.. The night before I met Morpheus only at 9:30. So we woke up and we realized that the day was about to leave us and let the Night be our King. Coffee in the center of the city after been walking for miles. (Hey isn’t Km the official SI in Europe?) .. well yes it is!

The Sylvester eve at the place of Bob (der Baumeister) where we had a fantastic dinner with delicious thai food. Self made from Bob with the help of his bf Ricky. I had fun, we had fun ... it was funny!

The presence of Taylor made the people talking in english ... a wonder! ;-))

After the dinner we proceeded as good pilgrims to the bridge, we rejected the lust of jump and we prepared us to celebrate.
With great timing we opened the bottles of expensive Prosecco and we drunk to our happiness. Every one was wishing on his own that the great things he deserves will be get realized soon, or at least that the shit of the last year will fast become a dream to forget about.

Fireworks and alcohol!! Wasn’t that less said than ever? Depression went a bit back to let the smile win. That was good.

Strange how a population move in mass.
Here or somewhere else for Sylvester the people move all together as a human river going to bridges or squares like lemmings ... good that mostly the end is better than the one for those strange death-lovers!

Half an hour after, we left.

Searching for the metro station I found interesting to comment on a guy who was supporting another one who was vomiting his soul, after apparently much alcohol. The first guy was simply standing there close to the second-vomiting-one, no contacts. To touch the sick guy was maybe to intimate for a such friendship.
Suddenly with my wonder ... yeah .. he touched him. Maybe his empathy realized how strange was the situation without any physical contact .. no... I was wrong ... the metro arrived. Now it was the time to give the pragmatic help. They could loose the next metro...

With a big delay we arrived to the Kings&Queens Party where an angry Summer was waiting worried us. Explained the reasons of the delay to Summer and Johannes we could start greeting and wishing us all the best for the new come .. the 2007!

In addition to it ... Happy Birthday Summer!!

Happy Birthday to you,
you are born in the zoo.
With the lions and monkeys and
you are like them too.


Sunday 7 January 2007


A bit of My recent history:

I was born in Sardinia (near to Italy, lol) almost 35 yrs ago and I lived there about 30 yrs of my life.
I never thought I could leave that place but it happened.
The life sometimes decides for you and you become aware only in process.

Four yrs ago I took my car, drove to the ferry harbor and there boarded to Rome. It was the 28th November 2002 and I visited Perugia and Bergamo for few days. The 5th December I drove for 9 hrs without interruptions till Gießen (Germany).
It was my very first time driving so long and outside my small island. Big was the fear I had and same size the proudness I got after, when I reached my target driving trough an unknown land. The german language has been a big shock! Ununderstandable all signs on the highway. Looking for Frankfurt I have been uncertain about “Frankfurter kreuz”. How is possible for someone who doesn’t speak any german to understand that “kreuz” means “Cross” or that “ausfahrt” means exit and it is not a big city?
In Gießen I lived till July 2004 the 5th. I Worked in Marburg and I finished my chemistry’s studies. The 2nd half of July 2004 I lived for 5 months in Muenster and the 30th October I moved to Bonn. In Bonn I stayed for exactly 2 yrs (well 16 day less) and now since 2 months and 3 weeks I’m resident in Cologne.

Wow! I travelled quit a lot and maybe isn’t finish yet.

Today I woke up early and to decide to open finally a blog was a very good thing. For an emigrant like me it’s seems to be a very nice idea to have a virtual bridge with everyone knows about your existence and with those who are willing to read about you and what you are doing so far far away. In this way I feel more close to my beloved as well.

Strange: I could write in Italian and I started in english thinking that this is an universal language ... I’ll follow my mood and I’ll try to keep a bilingual version. This will also depend of the mutual interaction which I will get from who’s keeping tracks and feeds of this blog.

If you do not understand and you wanna know, tell me about it! :-)

Now it’s time to end this very long intro.

Keep tracks I’ll come soon.
And now ...
... The end!